Residential Sprinkler Maintenance Hayes

To ensure your fire sprinkler system will operate correctly at all times it is recommended that the system is maintained and subject to an annual service offering the premium Residential Sprinkler Maintenance Hayes.

On commissioning of your fire sprinkler system, we will take note of the owners details and added to our service database. In the weeks leading up to the system requiring a residential sprinkler service, the owner of the premises will be contacted to remind them that the system now requires a service.

Service costs vary depending on the size and location of the system.

When a Pinnacle Fire technician inspects the fire sprinkler system Hayes some of the following will be included:

  • Cover plates to be check for correct fitting
  • Signs of leak around the sprinkler head
  • Inspection of control system and Pumps where installed

Residential fire suppression Hayes

Residential fire suppression Hayes, systems are effective, easy to use, and safe for people, key assets, facilities and the environment. Whether your needs are industrial, residential, commercial or special hazard applications, Pinnacle have you covered.

A well designed Residential fire suppression Hayes system must be constructed on essential design principles, this is why our extinguishing systems are engineered with the following considerations:-

  • Cylinder storage space requirements
  • Room Infrastructure, ensuring the enclosure is suitable for the fire suppression agent
  • Safety to occupants, using our BAFE SP203 Part 3 and ISO9001:2015 certified quality management procedures
  • Environmentally friendly systems; correct designs prevent unnecessarily system discharges
  • Sustainable fire suppression technology, ensuring users are well informed about what they are installing

If you have any questions or specific fire protection requirements please call us on 0208 611 2757